Package-level declarations


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interface APIException<EX : Throwable, B>
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interface APITag

This interface is used to define tags to classify endpoints. It needs to be implemented using an enum so that the processor properly detects equality.

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data class KTypeProperty(val name: String, val type: KType, val source: KProperty1<*, *>)
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class OpenAPIGen(config: OpenAPIGen.Configuration, val pipeline: ApplicationCallPipeline)
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implement this to automatically register an object as OpenAPIModule in the global context only works if the object is in a package declared in OpenAPIGen.Configuration.scanPackagesForModules

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typealias SchemaMap = Map<KType, SchemaModel<*>>
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data class SerializationSettings(val skipEmptyMap: Boolean = false, val skipEmptyList: Boolean = false, val skipEmptyValue: Boolean = false)
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class SwaggerUi(basePath: String, version: String, openApiJsonUrl: String?)
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val Application.openAPIGen: OpenAPIGen
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fun Map<String, *>.cleanEmptyValues(serializationSettings: SerializationSettings = SerializationSettings()): Map<String, *>
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inline fun <T> SchemaMap.containsKey(): Boolean
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fun convertToValue(value: Any?, serializationSettings: SerializationSettings = SerializationSettings()): Any?
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inline fun <T> SchemaMap.get(): SchemaModel<T>?
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inline fun <T> MutableSchemaMap.put(value: SchemaModel<T>): SchemaModel<T>?
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